2025 January

January 7

2025 is exciting year. It is also the year I set out to do weekly public logs which look like this in Things as recurring task.

I also published this new docs/wiki site this month with FumaDocs.

Simon Willison is big inspiration in how much and how he shares his work/learnings. And brandur is big inspiration for how to do long form writing well.

Aside from the weekly recurring task and my optimized habits, I also plan to do a monthly overview which is also a recurring task.

It's goal is to just overview quickly what happened over the month and do a cleanup (finances, apps, etc.). A kind of cleanse to cut the waste going into the month. Will be a more refined process with time.

January 12

Tried to make sense of OpenAuth & Better Auth as I try to move away from using Clerk for all things auth.

On this page